The course will be divided into two days covering various topics of diagnosis, treatment planning, perio-endo problems, the use of CBCT in endodontics, access cavity designs, micro access, instrumentation techniques and obturation techniques.
It will also cover three live demos of the treatment sequence. and each candidate will be able to:
1- Do hands on using a Dental Operating Microscope doing 3 access opening (Truss access – Micro access – Caries driven access) and use Endo Guide burs.
2- Do the instrumentation using a rotary e-connect s-device and CM files and shape memory files.
3- Do the 3D Obturation using a warm vertical compaction device and suitable sealer.
4- Analyze and understand a CBCT of different clinical scenarios and be able to use to produce a proper treatment decision.
Dr. Hytham Abdelaziz
Faculty of Dentistry Alexandria University